Only momentum keeps me moving forward. The problem? It's progress without motivation. Progress for progress's sake. My perspective, clouded by everyday distractions and emotional maintenance, hasn't enough clarity to cultivate an engineered purpose. No purpose; no motivation. This lack of motivation is apparent to everyone. And I fear, for as long as my motivations remain undefined, my empty progress will leave me with unwanted burdens.
My fate without purpose: to be emptier still with more to carry.
Define purpose.
Find clarity.
Seek passion.
Live with purpose, clarity, and passion.
1: WV; 2: R: CIII; 3: Sun; 4: WA; 5: R: Foo; 6: R: PN; 7: R: PIII; 8: WN; 9: R: CA; 10: WX...
A prayer for commitment
8 years ago